Monday, November 1, 2010


Sorry for the absence my darlings.
No real reason for it. I got to day 4 of liquid diet and BINGED LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER.
I did lose 2 kgs but only just.

I really feel like I'm stuck in a rut at the moment. Like I'm just floating through the motions. It's fucked. I know what people mean now when they say they're not living, only existing.


  1. i've been binging for the past two days D:
    on a liquid fast atm though.

    this is gonna sound really weird, but when i'm stuck in a rut i go to the nearest park and go on the swings >.<

    makes me feel ALIVE.
    I know, i'm very immature. but you may not be a swings sort of person sooo you could just go out to the city, get some coffee, do some window shoppin. just use what free time you have to do things you've wanted to do for a while.

    hope i helped xx

  2. I've been binging for a week or so now and without purging because my mother has literally been locking the bathroom doors. I'm getting back on track today though. Don't worry sweetie. There's always hope. Maybe you should join a forum like pretty thin or something for support? =D
