Monday, October 11, 2010


Well the liquid fast is going great so far.
Almost had a weak moment today but then I was on google and found this awesome website that KILLED my hunger like no tomorrow.
It's called "This Is Why You're Fat" and I don't know about you, but I am a girl that looooves reverse thinspo. 
Looking at perfectly thin bodies makes me realise what I don't have and that leaves me depressed and angry at myself. Looking at chocolate covered bacon (which just seems like madness to me?!) and insanely obese people gets me motivated which leads me to be up and moving! As soon as I looked at those pictures I poured out my soup and went back to my desk quite content with my efforts.


  1. Oh. My. God. That sandwich looks like death in itself! I think I would have a heart attack if I ever had to eat anything like that haha. Great job on your liquid fast! Keep up the good work, chicka : )

  2. That sight is pretty awesome when it comes to squashing cravings. I'm on a very strict fast (no cals. none. whatsoever.) at the mo so i need sites like that more than ever.

    if i am REALLY desperate than i just go to encyclopedia dramatica. it is FILLED with real gore, not fake, REAL. what works best for me is the one about the german chick who cuts herself so deep you can see the muscle tissue. i wont go into detail as it is pretty gross but it works wonders.

    congrats on doing well on the fast :)
    maybe we can help each other?

  3. ahaa! YUMMY STUFF
    i wish i could make nice food :/

